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How can a students be a good listener

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Assalamualaikum and good morning to teacher and my fellow friends. I’m standing here because want to share tips how can a student be a good listener. Many tips you should know. Such as be focus when teacher are teaching, follow instructions, be attention when teacher ask the question, don’t sit with your bestfriends, eat healthy food and other.

                Firstly, be focus in classroom when teacher are teaching such as your eyes should look at the teacher while teacher are teaching. Don’t see at outside classroom and everywhere went the teacher are teaching in front because you can get lost the attention time teaching and learning. It’s is important to learn and pay attention in classroom.

Secondly, follow the instruction the teacher give. With this you can be a students good listener because we can get what we learn. Then, be attention when teacher ask the questions time teaching and learning. Its can make you focused in classroom.

                Beside that, don’t sit with your bestfriends. If you sit beside your bestfriends difficult to stay focused and many talked with them . When you sit with your bestfriend you can lost every info when your teacher delivers. Lastly, eat the healthy food for being a good listener in the classroom such as a food can help your body strong. Such as vegetable, fruits, vitamin,proteins and don’t take many fatty foods. Because it’s can make your brain will not good.

That only from me, I hope you can follow my tips to be a good listener in the classroom. If you follow the tips you can get straight A each subject and succeed our life. Thankyou.

Nasi Lemak Malaysian

Nasi lemak is a traditional food and very popular food in Malaysia. Nasi lemak is usually served with eggs, cucumber, anchovies, peanuts and chilies. But nowdays have many type of nasi lemak such as nasi lemak with chicken, shrimp, cuttlefish an others. Everyone like to eat nasi lemak because it’s the simple food. For people who working easier to bring nasi lemak to workplace.

                Moreover, nasi lemak can balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and nutrient found in nuts and anchovies and convenient to eat in the morning. Chili sauce also help increase metabolism in the body. How to make nasi lemak ? mix all materials in rice cooker and cooked as usual. People oversea also like to eat nasi lemak. For their nasi lemak is very delicious food even simple.

Materials for rice is three cups of rice, one cup of coconut milk and follow the water content of rice, then three sliced of gimger, one sliced of palm leaves and lastly three seed of onions. Beside that, materials for sambal is six tablespoons of chili paste, after that 3 seeds of onion and mix the garlic and mashed it all, next a handful of pounded anchovies and some fried is cooked, little tamarind juices, and if you like a little shrimp paste,  and lastly a little salt and sugar.

Nasi lemak is a favourite food for everyone. Children most like to eat nasi lemak. Lets us to try eat nasi lemak. If you don’t try you cannot feel a nasi lemak Malaysian. Nasi lemak is a tradional food in Malaysia.

2 Normal Life As A Student 

We want to share with you all about the nature of life as a student at university or college. All right, all points were write we own. Since we are a college student, and can feel the real life as a student, so with all the experience we have, we like to share with you guys about the nature of life as a student here.

Study last minutes

  When reviewing the initial difficult to remember. After that, if the initial study a lot of laughter, lost out science. Tomorrow exam today's busy looking for new notes. This is commonplace students at the university or college, especially in Malaysia.

Late for class

Our college, if we late 15 minutes, our lecturer will lock the door. But not all lecturers did that. I do not know at the others university or college . Usually when the morning class at 8 o'clock there was a student who comes late to class. Normally, when the season comes assignment.


How to Develop Confidence Speaking

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Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Most people report that giving a speech is their greatest fear. And yet the ability to give a speech is one of the most valued business skills today.
Try these few tips to get over your nervousness and to develop confidence while speaking.
First of all is Expect to be nervous. Even experienced speakers get nervous. Don’t try to eliminate your jitters. Turn them into energy you can use to boost your delivery.

Second is prepare. Know what you are going to say and why you want to say it.

Third, is practice. Speak to supportive audiences in small forums where less is at stake at a staff meeting or a PTA meeting. Join Toastmasters or take a Dale Carnegie course. Work with a coach.

Next is breathe. In the thirty seconds before you begin speaking, take three slow, deep breaths through your nose, filling your belly. As you breathe out, say silently to yourself, “Relax.”

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After that is rehearse which is stand up and walk around as you practice out loud. Don’t memorize your speech or practice it word for word. Talk it through, point by point. Imagine you’re explaining your main ideas to a friend.

Then, focus on your audience. Stage fright is rooted in self-preoccupation. (“How am I doing?” “Am I making any sense?”) Stop focusing on yourself. Focus, instead, on your audience. (“How are you?” “Are you getting this?” “Can you hear me?”)

After that is simplify. Most speakers try to do too much in a speech. Then they worry about leaving something out or losing their train of thought. Aim, instead, to communicate one basic idea. Keep it short and simple.

In addition, visualize success. Practice relaxation techniques in the days before your presentation. Lie down or sit comfortably in a quiet place. Breathe slowly. Close your eyes. Imagine your upcoming speaking engagement. Picture yourself speaking with confidence.

Next is connect with your audience. Make the audience your allies. Talk to individuals before your presentation to get to know them. Look them in the eye as you speak to them, one person at a time. When your audience sides with you, your job as a speaker becomes easier.

Lastly, act confident. People won’t see how nervous you are. (They can’t tell if your palms are sweating or your knees are knocking or your heart is pounding.) So don’t tell them. Smile. Stick your chest out. Look confident, even if you don’t feel it.

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