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How can a students be a good listener

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Assalamualaikum and good morning to teacher and my fellow friends. I’m standing here because want to share tips how can a student be a good listener. Many tips you should know. Such as be focus when teacher are teaching, follow instructions, be attention when teacher ask the question, don’t sit with your bestfriends, eat healthy food and other.

                Firstly, be focus in classroom when teacher are teaching such as your eyes should look at the teacher while teacher are teaching. Don’t see at outside classroom and everywhere went the teacher are teaching in front because you can get lost the attention time teaching and learning. It’s is important to learn and pay attention in classroom.

Secondly, follow the instruction the teacher give. With this you can be a students good listener because we can get what we learn. Then, be attention when teacher ask the questions time teaching and learning. Its can make you focused in classroom.

                Beside that, don’t sit with your bestfriends. If you sit beside your bestfriends difficult to stay focused and many talked with them . When you sit with your bestfriend you can lost every info when your teacher delivers. Lastly, eat the healthy food for being a good listener in the classroom such as a food can help your body strong. Such as vegetable, fruits, vitamin,proteins and don’t take many fatty foods. Because it’s can make your brain will not good.

That only from me, I hope you can follow my tips to be a good listener in the classroom. If you follow the tips you can get straight A each subject and succeed our life. Thankyou.


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