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9 Healthy Diet Tips for Students

9 Healthy Diet Tips for Students 

 Students who are busy with lessons but want tips for maintaining a healthy weight, diet and fitness? Follow 10 simple tips.


Do not skip breakfast! Based on his own observations and experience, most students always leave breakfast whether intentionally or not. I understand there may be a delayed going to class, because it has no time to have breakfast. The study found that the practice of leaving the breakfast will affect the concentration of students in the classroom. So, what's the word after you train yourself to wake up earlier than usual or try not to sleep after dawn prayers. You will have enough time to have breakfast before going to class.


Snacks? Fast food and student status can not really want to be separated! Perhaps you feel bored want to eat the same food every day, so that the last option is FAST FOOD! Never mind if maggi to, KFC, PIZZA HUT and all sorts of other types of fast food available. Therefore, if you really want to eat fast food, make choices wisely. For example, you have a choice of whether you want to select a pizza without cheese, or small size burger, or boiled potatoes, or potato wedges without cheese! We must learn not only wise, be smart food choices also!


Try eating high calcium foods high calcium! Between suppliers of calcium that milk is extremely high. If you're the type who does not like to drink milk, you can try to eat other foods such as low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese, vegetables. Pssst, who do not like to drink milk that, what did you try to drink flavored milk. For example, chocolate. You'll definitely less nausea.


Lose weight if you need to lose weight, do not crash diet pulak. The best way to lose weight is when you feel good and happy to do so. Do not feel forced. Keep going, and the practice of eating a balanced diet.


Reduce your intake of sugar. To the uninitiated, sugar also contributes calories in your diet. Sugar is the main cause of tooth decay. Therefore, to reduce the intake of sugar, and replace sugar with natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.


Drink plenty of water. Usually students easy to feel sleepy in class. This is probably because you stay up all night to study. Why do not you take a bottle of water while you go to class. Your body needs at least 8 glasses of water a day. And if you work hard, you need water more than that. Water is the only drink that has 0 calories. So, never miss the fat got if you drink plenty of water too! 


Disciplined! You have to train yourself to be disciplined while eating. Do not eat while watching television or eating while lying in bed. This will cause you not aware of the quantity of food that you've taken.

                                                                          STEP 8

Mayonnaise more, please? What? Some of you think that eating vegetables such as salad with fruit can reduce the intake of calories in the diet. And most of you will eat salad and fruit with assorted dressings such as mayonnaise and thousand island as savory enhancer. Yummy yummy indeed. But if you take too much mayonnaise and thousand island or cheese, you actually have to take calories which may be the same or more than if you eat a burger or fries!

                                                                         STEP 9

Snack time! As a student, you must always stay up late because he wants to study, prepare assignments, projects and so on, right? And often, you will feel hungry in the middle of the night. If you do not feel hungry, you must feel like munching something to get rid of the sleepy and tired right? So, to avoid the food that you eat less as good as candy, burgers, or maggi, what did you store snacks that are better for eating. For example, whole grains, legumes, fruits, fresh and dried, or wholegrain biscuits!

Remember! Food is not just to please the stomach and throat, but it is one of the requirements for life. However, food can also be harmful to some people. Therefore, you must know how to choose what you want fed into your mouth.



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