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Breakfast is important for everyday. It’s because with breakfast you can be positive every thing what you do. With breakfast you can make your day with positive thing and it’s can help you easier your thing all day. Then, with breakfast you can get some energy since morning. With breakfast you can do heavy work. If you breakfast can increase energy for our body and can make you not hungry.

                Beside that, with breakfast can control your body weight. It’s can burning your calorie quickly in your body. Then with breakfast can prevention of heart disease, it’s can fiber field investigation of the matter can absorb cholesterol. Eating breakfast has many benefits. It’s can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Beside that it can stay active every day and stay healthy.

                Furthermore, with breakfast can restores glucose levels, an carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Students should eat breakfast because it’s can improve memory and focus in classroom. Children should breakfast because the brain needs energy to work  the best. With breakfast can provides many benefits nutrients, and boosts your fibre and calcium intake.

                People who skip the breakfast have lower energy levels, as well as less strength and endurance to engage in physical activity. If you don’t eat breakfast you may have worse moods during the day. Skipping the breakfast your brain can’t active your memory goodly. The most people skip their regularly skip breakfast are much more likely to become overweight and face risk for serious health problem for example diabetes and others.

                Lastly, we should breakfast for our body. If you all breakfast it’s can care our body always. With breakfast you can make your day happily and moving actively. I hope you all gets the breakfast every morning to stay healthy.


Assalamualaikum and hi guys, I want to share the good news to you guys. On Friday mornings ago I was told by my works that intent had given birth to her baby in the maternity hospital in Selangor women. 

Ucu told me they were blessed with a baby boy named Muhammad Rajab, and my feeling so desperately happy because I get to a new cousin for this year. After 6 years I can no new cousins ​​and finally, I can also kind of glad tidings. 

If given a chance later, during my holidays end sem 5 months, I want to take care of my cousins. I like it very much with the baby. Baby smell very fragrant, sweet fragrance of paradise. 

Auchhh, seriously I like very much the baby or child. Nothing wrong with it I chose the cost of the Early Childhood Education because of my own children. Hehehe. baby was named Muhammad Rajab, because he was born in the god month of Rajab in Friday, the day of glory ... it's just that happy expression of my feelings. See you soon 


Positive Challenged

7 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts
Image result for positive vibes
When you first start thinking negatively, it can be tempting to try and force those thoughts out of your head.  You try as hard as possible to stop thinking about them and push them out.
But this approach often backfires. Resisting those negative thoughts can actually reinforce that thinking pattern and just make things worse. The more you try not to think about something, the more you actually end up thinking about it.
To get rid of negative thinking, you need to try a different approach something that will clear your mind of those negative thoughts once and for all.
Here are seven ways to clear your mind of negative thinking.
Firstly, change your body language and take a moment to observe your body language. Are you slouching with a closed stance? Are you frowning? If you are, you’re more likely to think negatively. Bad body language can lower your self-image and lead to a lack of confidence.  In that emotional state, it’s only natural to start having bad thoughts. Sit up straight in a confident manner and also open your stance and smile more. then fix your body language and you’ll feel a lot better. It might be just what you need to clear those negative thoughts.
Image result for positive body language clip art
second is talk it out. Sometimes negative thinking occurs because you have issues or emotions you need to get out. It’s not good to keep things to yourself. If you have something that needs to be addressed, you should talk through them with someone or putting things into words gives your thoughts shape and form. So, that can help you put things into perspective so you can deal with them at the root of the problem.
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Third is spend one minute calming your mind of all thought When your mind is running a mile a minute, it can be hard to keep up. With everything racing around your head, it can be hard to control the thoughts going on inside, especially the negative ones. Slow things down. One minute of calming is often all it takes. It’s kind of like meditation, you’re emptying your mind. Think of it as a reboot. Once it’s empty, you can fill it with something a little more positive.
Image result for spend one minute calming your mind
Fourth, change the tone of your thoughts because sometimes negative thinking is the result of poor perspective. Take a look at the point of view you take on the things going on around you. For example, instead of thinking, “I’m going through a difficult time and I’m having trouble,” think “I’m facing some challenges, but I’m working on finding solutions.” You’re basically saying the same thing, except the second way has a more positive spin to it. But sometimes that little tonal shift can make a huge difference to your thinking patterns.
Image result for change the tone of your thoughts
Fitfh, be creative. When negative thoughts come, it can pay to spend some time creatively. Find a creative outlet for your thoughts. Write things out and draw or paint something even if you have to use a crayon as long as you’re using your creativity to get your negativity out, it can work. Exploring your emotions through creativity acts like auto-therapy and can elevate your mood. Creativity can feel like a release. When you put your emotions through an art form, you get them out of your system and clear them out.
Image result for a person drawing something
Sixth, take a walk because thoughts arise in the mind, it’s easy to assume that’s where they’re formed.  Well, that’s only partly true. Sometimes our thoughts are a product of our environment. For instance, if you surrounded yourself with negative people and negative imagery, you’d probably start to think negatively in turn. Stepping away from a negative environment can help immensely. Take a walk alone away from your usual atmosphere.  Head somewhere uplifting like a park or museum. Time spent distancing yourself from those negative influences can bring you great peace of mind.
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Lastly, start listing out what you’re grateful for. Have you forgotten all the good things you have going for you? Sometimes in the daily grind, we lose focus on all the ways things that are going right in our lives. If that’s you, then you need to re-train your mind to focus on all the good happening around you instead of the bad. List off everything you’re grateful for no matter how small they seem to be. Then, don’t take anything for granted anymore because sometimes the good things in our lives are right in front of our faces and we still fail to see them.
 Image result for start listing out what you’re grateful for

Stop being blind to the positive things you already have going for you.


Hey guys. All you guys okay? we are all good and growing up very well when staying at this college. Ha! you guys must be weird, yeah as student must be looks like skinny a bit when back to hometown. 

We are not getting thinner, but gained weight.

Why? In Kota Bharu, there are many foods that are cheap, especially to students. When the food here is cheap we love to eat everything and must be unrelenting until well into the night. Also some food that we rarely heard of any such Etok, Nasi Komok, Jala Mas and so on. Oops! that's not a point. If we're tell about these kind of food, it's not going to run out right.

This time I don't want to talk really much. oh ya! today I was scrolled my gallery on my phone and I found one video last month which is we were a task in the subject of art creativity and aesthetics in early childhood education and this subject there is no final exam so many tasks we must to handle of it. We always took a wefie after the class. 

At that time, one of my classmates asked to do a mannequin challenge because it is trending around the world. That's why we want to try and it's cool. We're felt so enjoyed. When we replay back to see our reaction, it's funny by the way especially the bloopers.  


Assalamualaikum and good night all! how are you guys? do ya feel tonight is gonna recalls old memories of the time before school age, a new year of school left, I really miss them.

 A lot of good memories at school this week, the temperament shared with peers in school. Love is indeed human nature, so we always remind each other. 

Memories that can’t be forgotten is, a class of sleep during the experiment. while the subjects english, teacher in front was teaching, we all sleep. It's fun madness is equally important and here are also equally angry so much that one classroom counseling room here to go mad with the school principal. 

Perhaps some of my friends memories, painful memories for them but for me it was very fun. And one more good memories is when we take each other SPM results. Never were the restless heart. 

Feelings of fear are all there. after the SPM results take from there we can see there are those who weep for joy, there was also crying because their results will not be achieved. but, it is all the trials and tribulations. I hope we meet again. byeeeee



Today, I went to Tesco to buy the ingredients to cook dinner tonight. Special thanks to my step-brother for giving money to spending and authorization to buy ingredients for my roomates without asking for money to them. I happy while I can cook for them.Only this things I can help them. I not rich family but I still want help them. Tonight I want cook vegetable soup and 
. I hope my friends eat my food 
with a hearty appetite
. I want cook more because I want to call other friends to eat with us.
I went to tesco with Ain. Thank you Ain. I buy cabbages, carrots, onions, red peppers, 4 cans of sardines, 2 spice vegetable soup and a pack of rice (5kg) . But there is one ingredient I did not meet ... ermmmm..SO SAD..Do you want to know that what that? People who live on the east coast often eat this. Try to guess???
it calls
" B  U  D  U " 😱
For my beloved step-brother, 
Your sister have to be be grateful because I have brother like you. When my father passed away, My life depends on you. Thank you because be a good brother for me. I hope one day you have a good wife to take care of you.

Street Art

Street Art in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

Now many places there are already displaying street art, right? It became a tourist attraction, whether within the country or abroad.

Another attraction in the city of Bharu unusual opportunity missed by tourists Kelantan is Kota Bharu Street Art. There may be among the residents of Kelantan who have not set foot here. I myself have had the opportunity to see the new day Artwork creative and full of meaning implied. Location Kota Bharu Street Art is in the field of Knowledge, near the roundabout of the city of Kota Bharu.

In Kota Bharu, Kelantan is also not lagging behind. Street Art is also an option there in which art displays itself in the arena of the nation painting!

Most of the murals here revolves around the war and the suffering of the Palestinian people. Suitable as a medium to create awareness among netizens about the Palestinian issue. Last but not least there are also cultural and artistic murals Middle Eastern countries. Including camels, palm trees, carpets and so on. There is a very fine display of works of art and creative highlighted in the alley behind the store building. Not surprisingly, this place is often visited by art enthusiasts who want to capture their photos here.

when the holidays, well suited to bring the family here. Here a few pictures of me with my friends below.

Thank you willing to stop by our blog today.


Traveling is a favorite  recreation for many people, especially for young students. it can enable us not only to accumulate our knowledge about history, culture, georgaphy and local tradition, but also to edify our minds and spirits greatly. However, upon the question, which is better, travelling alone or together with several friends, people seem to have different opinions. As far as i am concernerd,i like to travel with friends. 

             When travelling to other places, the most important thing for us to consider is safety. In china, many famous scenery spots with Buddhist temples or shrines are situated in deep mountain or remote areas. Travelers sometimes have to go on a tiring and even dangerous road before they can arrive at these places:crossing rivers with rapid currents, climbing high mountains, walking alone a narrow path on deep cliffs etc. If a person travels with other, he may receive aids or lend a hand to his companion in time of needs. Several years ago i traveled with some other people to Wuyi mountain, a famous scenery spot in Fujian Province. When climbing a high cliff,one of the people slipped, but he was grasped by hand almost instantaneously  by a man at his side. If he had traveled there alone, he would have fallen down the high cliff and injured himself.

           Another reason why i prefer to travel with others is that we can ease the felling of loneliness and nostalgia by talking with each other. When traveling to far away and unfamiliar places, we may easily fall into a low spirit and have strong nostalgic feeling. there are numerous ancient Chinese literary work, poems, or essays etc, which describe such feeling on road. A man sat in an empty hub, facing a small lamp, seeing the dumping rain outside the window, etc. All constitute a typical picture of a lonely traveler. but if at this time, the traveler had a companion to chat with him, his sad feeling would be much lessened.

           In a higher sense, life is like a traveling, most of us need someone to accompany us to go through the road. I think those who have to live alone are unfortunate ones in human society.


Life is beautiful, though it is full of ups and down it has many facts of blessings and successes. To some people, life is hard. These people see life as punishment their entire lives. They therefore resigned themselves to believing all is finished. To them, nothing that they do can ever be good. They lost every sense of direction and most times.

But there are those who see life as a challenge, a channel of discovery and innovation, a prospect for success an a gateway to wealth. To them life is sweet, colourful and kind. No matter the situation these people find themselves, they keep pressing on, believe in a cause, a cause to succeed and get the most out of life.

You can live life to the fullest with utmost satisfaction if determine with all your mind, body and soul to succed. Also, the mind is the centre everything. It controls your thoughts and beliefs. A focused mind has never fail. A positive mind helps one to discover his talents. Great men and women, both living and dead, had their minds focused on something and nothing deterred them from achieving their dreams. Each of them had a belief, should I say faith, which they held onto, they nurture the belief, focused all their attention and live on it. And today, we have benefited in one way or the other from their inventions and great ideas.

Life is a challenge. And for anyone to succeed in life, we must be ready to show the stuff we is made of. We must be ready to sacrifice they time and build up their mind toward success. What is happening in our environment should control the happening around us.
Life is so easy, yet many people rush and miss what they want to achieve in life. Don’t rush in life. Take one step at the time. Each step should be properly planned before being launched. And before you know it, the sky will become the beginning of your success.


     How to stay healthy ? have many tips for care your body to stay healthy. For example to stay healthy we must eat food the good for your body and less the sweet of food. If you eat the good food your body can stay healthy. Then, drink eight more glass of water everyday for our body stay healthy. Don't take many food everytime because it's not good for your body. Eat the food had a vitamin such as vegetables, fruits and others. If you eat a bad foods it's can'thelp you to care our body to stay healthy. 
    Then, finding ways to reduce stress is another tips can help you stay healthy. there are many ways to bust stress. such as you can going holiday for release your tension. Especially for the people work they stress with our work. Holiday are the good thing can make your body stay healthy. Furthemore, for men who are smoke daily it's very not healthy because smoking can kill our body. Such as inside body organ can broke your body. After that drink many alcohol can make your body not good. 
    After that, protect your body from the sun because the sun its not good for your body and it's can make your body not health. But the sun have a good time at morning because it's can make your body have vitamin. Then, doing exersice regularly, its can maintain a healthy weight. With exersice your body can sweat time you exersice. it,s can make your body stay healthy.
  If you follow the tips it can improving your health and lowering your risk of many cancers as well as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and others. High blood sugar is linked to the development of diabetes, obesity, heart disease. Lastly, to stay healthy you should follow the tips above. Thankyou . 


Today I want to share a menu that I often cook at home, namely vegetable soup. Okay, the materials to be provided are vegetable spring cabbage, carrots, onion, chilli, garlic, seasoning su'un and vegetable soup. Ways that you must do first is, sliced ​​onion, garlic, chilli, and then cut flowers and vegetables cabbage carrots. 

When finished cut all these materials, wash all the ingredients and prepare the materials on the table to be cooked. Next, live fire and put some cooking oil. After the cooking oil is hot, fry the ingredients that have been sliced ​​earlier, namely, onion, garlic and chilli pot that has been heated. 

Stir until smooth, then place the carrots that have been cut into the fried dish was. Wait a few minutes until it is soft carrots, pour a little water so that it becomes smooth. 

After that, put vegetable soup seasoning and mix well then pour into the cooked vegetable mixture and mix until dough becomes soft and smooth flavor. Wait 8 minutes, then put into a dish and serve on the table. Few of my menu today for you guys. Good luck provides a menu of me. Thank you .


" Angah Dan Along "

Image result for the word siblings
Thanks a lot and good evening crowd. Tonight I want to share some stories about people who are always there for me when I'm sad or happy.

 Firstly, my parents who always necessarily provide moral support and high spirits to me. They always understood my will, when I'm sad they always be my loyal listeners. Never tired of the whims of my childish as this. 

Do not forget also to my sister's second most closely all my sad story like mad all my grief and express her release. Our people are always fighting, but that is normal in this sibling relationship. Okay wince, wince not okay. In addition, common for siblings relationship.

 I call him within us, because he was the second child in my family. Okay, what am I gonna tell me about him is, he's always there when I need, even if he is busy with his school work, he still treated me and listen to my heart's content even discharge middle'm late. Our age difference did not matter much.

 He was under me je, but I think he is kind of my best friend. She also loves to share her grief with me. our life, we share together. It was somewhat of an elder sister "ALONG" and a younger second "burn".


Tuna Sandwich

Tuna Sandwich

Sandwich is two slices of bread in the form of a clasp meat, vegetables, cheese, tuna. sardines or food seasoning or sauce that tastes more delicious. Various types of bread can be used to make sandwiches and depending on the contents. Bread is usually applied to the surface a little mayonnaise, butter, margarine or olive oil that serves as stickers and enhancer smell.

In a country not their basic food rice, sandwich usually brought to school or to the office in a box called a lunchbox or in brown paper bags called brown bag (sandwich bag) to be enjoyed as a breakfast or lunch.

Sandwich also taken as food when camping, hiking or just walking around. At home, sandwich enjoyed as a complement to the main meal. If eaten at home as a main meal, a sandwich usually accompanied by side dishes such as soup (soup-and-sandwich), lettuce (salad-and-sandwich), potato chips, french fries, cucumber).

It names depends on the contents of the sandwich is clamped by the slice of bread, so that there is egg sandwich (egg sandwiches), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (sandwiches of peanut butter and jelly). Sandwich is usually a cold food although there are also a variety of sandwiches such as grilled warm cheese (cheese toast contents).

Supposedly .. sandwich named after the fourth Earl of Sandwich, an English aristocrat of the 18th century who is a fan of card games. Earl of Sandwich IV wanted to continue playing cards without having to stop to eat, until meat is clamped two pieces of bread is used for food that can be eaten with one hand while playing cards.

Today we want to share recipes sandwitch that ita very yummy! Ni ita actually not pengemar sandwitch. Sandwitch is a food of last resort ita if no other food that can be eaten at the time ..
Sandwitch normally use tuna fish, go fish ita choice. Throat village children ni certainly can no longer accept that the menu is quite popular in the west.

Let's look at the ingredients that are needed to provide sandwitch instead of the usual ..

Tuna Sandwitch
Recipes By Chef Amer Hamzah

2 cans Solid in ex vergin oil Canned tuna
Tuna ni ~ ya throw oil on the filter and take it away.
The contents in the rough mashed
3 eggs boiled
~ Peeled
Fill egg on chopped or coarsely mashed
1 tablespoon garlic Holand who were in finely chopped
3 bean chilli
~ In finely chopped
Capsicum fruit mix red, green and yellow
~ Which is not a lot of kidding a little bit, quite follow tastes

3 1/2 tablespoons mayonnaise
3 1/2 tablespoons Coslow (salad dressing Coslow)
Combine all the above ingredients in a large bowl. If only want to add a little flavor flavoring can be added, if do not want to because I did not do any good recipes ni dah.

Other materials required
bread that can select the hard bread
Spread bread with butter. If I can bake a wink
Place the tuna mixture ingredients mentioned
Put cucumber
and lettuce
Ok're ready to eat.

When eaten recipes Chef Tuna Sandwitch Amer ni dah certainly do not want another. Thanks Chef Amer on knowledge sharing. Hopefully shared recipes to give rewards uninterruptedly for the Chef there someday ..


Sambal Udang Petai



Petai is synonymous with Malaysian society. If they call petai, already imagined the smell unpleasant, for those who eat it certainly would smelled something..that's why many who avoid this food.

BUT! I'm not ok.
Petai is a my favorite food. Want know what reason? Because I did not know.
It smells make me want eat it. I 100% loved it!

When sitting hostel, a little limited diet. Reason?
In terms of money, I can not eat a large meal same like at home.

I remember when the holiday week, I was back home in Kuantan.The first thing i do is cooking. A lot of food I cook for my mom and my brother. One day i request to my mom to make sambal udang petai.

Based on the study, fruit petai smooth on board are said to contain levels of protein and fat , which is high compared to plant another forest, which is 8 percent, 11 percentcarbohydrates , 71% water , many contain calcium , phosphorus , iron , vitamin A , B1 , B2 and C .
Petai beans actual nutritional content varies according to age and freshness of the seeds. A sour fruit or seeds petai not circular has less nutritional content. In traditional Malay medicine , petai seeds believed to be effective for the treatment of heart disease and diabetes , wash the kidney , as well as to remove worms from a worm children.

The Recipe from MY MOTHER

1/2 kg of prawn, remove the sides of the head and back, wash and toss with salt and fry  briefly, remove and set aside.

Petai ~ 300 gm body heat a little oil and fry briefly fill petai 

Blend ingredients
3 cloves minced garlic 
6 ~ minced shallots
3 ~ minced red chillies
10 dried chillies ~ soak until soft and grind
2 inc minced shrimp paste ~

2 large onions, sliced round ~
2 tablespoons chili sauce
300 ml tamarind juice ~ grab acid + water-ramas ramas make 300 ml
oil for frying
salt and sugar to taste

1. Stir-fry ingredient in the blend until fragrant
2. Add the chili and tamarind juice, cook again until oil rises
3.  Salt and sugar to taste
4. Finally add the shrimp, banana and onion slices
5. Mix well



My name is Siti Nur Binti Ismail Amila. I was 19 years old and is a student KOLEJ  POLY-TECH MARA KOTA BARU. I was born on the sixteenth July 1998 in a government hospital located in the city of Kuantan. I have four siblings and is the third child in the family. I have started my schooling at Sekolah Kebangsaan Panching and doing the school with outstanding achievements in the Primary School Assessment Test (UPSR).

I have a happy family. I am very grateful to God for my life complete with the presence of people who called my father, mother, brother, and sisters who make up my family. The father and mother are the people who I love and respect the most in my life. Although sometimes I failed to obey them and make mistakes, they still loved me and encouraged me and always expect the best for me.

I also have a brother, a sister and a brother. My brother is 23 years old, my sisters is 25 years old and my younger brother aged 10  years old. We have been taught well by our parents. If we made a mistake, my father would advise us in a good way and never punish us. Me and my siblings to speak as individuals who have a stubborn or obstinate attitude. However, if viewed from a positive perspective, we can be considered as an individual who has a firm stand.

In addition, I was a high-confidence. I am sure that I will do my best in whatever task done if implemented in the right way and accompanied by hard work. Moreover, prayer also a factor in the success of a person. Thus, every effort is taken to be punctuated with prayer and commitment are high.

I love doing my tasks systematically. Therefore, I will go through my daily activities according to the daily schedule that I have prepared. It also really helps me manage time wisely because I always knew what I needed to do at certain times. Therefore, I can avoid wasting time. Furthermore, good time management is very important to me that the responsibilities of being a student.

                     In my spare time, I love to read books. Among the reading material of choice for me is a novel, magazines, and books of fiction. I love reading because I get satisfaction when reading. In addition, I very much like to surf the internet and read to gather information on a professional career that might operate in the future. I would like to know more about a career before enrolling so I will make a decision according to my interests.



Have you ever wondered how in the world some students always seem to get top grades while others persistently struggle? What is it exactly that these students do differently that makes them so smart? How do they study? Do they have a special study routine that accelerates their results? Just maybe they study smarter not harder, and that makes all the difference. What if we could remove the veil and explore the process they use to get top grades? Maybe you could then copy this process of steps and integrate it into your own study routine. You could then study smarter not harder and accelerate your ability to become an effective learner.


An effective study routine doesn’t begin with how you study, it rather begins with where you study. The study environment you choose influences your ability to focus, to concentrate, to remember, and to persist through difficulties. A study environment that is cluttered, noisy, disruptive and uninspiring will hinder you at every step. On the other hand, a study environment that is comfortable, organized, quiet and aesthetically pleasing will help you stay focused, motivated and inspired. Your environment therefore becomes the first key towards helping you study smarter not harder.
study smarter not harder


Did you know that I am available and ready to be all yours? Yes, you can actually own me on your computer, tablet, phone, or as a poster for your wall.


In order to study smarter not harder you need to have some very clear goals in mind. Goals will of course provide direction for your study session. Their prime objective is to keep you focused on the right things and motivated to take massive action. When setting goals think of the acronym SMART. Make your goal specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed. This effectively translates into the following four steps: 1) Specify exactly what you want to achieve. 2) Describe the specific actions you will take. 3) Set a realistic time frame for accomplishing these actions. 4) Outline how you will measure your progress.
good study habits


Yes, that’s right, you can print and pin me up anywhere you like. I will be there to remind you of the key steps needed to help you develop optimal habits.


Before you even begin to study, it’s important to take the time to get into an ideal learning state. An ideal learning state will of course allow you to stay focused for longer. It does this because it is fueled by anticipation, motivation and desire. Now of course, the process of setting SMART goals made up the first part of this equation. The second part of this equation requires that you get very clear about two things. First you must specify why learning this material is important, and secondly you must outline how you will benefit as a result. Answering these two questions will prime your brain for the upcoming study session.

study tips


Yes, when I’m all yours, you can use me whichever way you wish. My job is to keep you focused on key ideas that will help improve how you live your life.


In order to get the most from every study session, it’s absolutely critical that you make what you’re learning relevant and readily applicable to your life and circumstances. To do this you must take two things under consideration. First, have a think about the knowledge you will acquire by learning this material. Secondly, consider the skills that you could potentially develop as a result of that knowledge. The key here is to clarify exactly how this material you’re learning can be applied to your situation. Doing this will immediately spark your motivation and put you into a more optimal state-of-mind.

how to get good grades


Yes, I just love being held. I especially love it when you hold me in the palm of your hand on your mobile phone. I am so ready and optimized for mobile viewing.


Having thoroughly primed your brain for the study session, it’s now time to start learning the material. And this is precisely where you need to begin to study smarter not harder. The one key difference that separates the smartest students from the rest comes down to the questions they consistently ask themselves while learning. A smart student is driven by an insatiable curiosity to want to know more. Given this, they enter each study session with three things on their mind. 1) To clarify what it is they already know. 2) To uncover what they don’t know. 3) To figure out what questions they need answered.

good study habits


The more time we spend together the more you will get to know me. And before long, you won’t stop thinking about me. That is when I know you will love me.


Some students believe that the more hours they put into their studies, the more they will learn. However, this is often not the case. To study smarter not harder actually means putting in less in order to learn more. However, this must be done in the right way, and this is of course where study breaks come into the picture. Taking 5 minute study breaks every 25 minutes actually helps promote better assimilation of information. This works because your brain needs time to integrate and make sense of the information it is learning. It needs time to process and make relevant associations to help you understand things at a deeper level.
study tips for college


Yes, please do adopt me. I am so ready to be your friend, your companion and your guide as we walk this journey together toward creating a better life.


Maybe this article wasn’t quite what you had expected. You were probably thinking that you were going to get all these incredible study techniques that will help you to study smarter not harder.
Well, these techniques do actually exist, and you will find some of them in the resource list below. But the honest truth is that these kind of techniques are actually quite useless if you don’t first take the time to put yourself into an ideal state-of-mind that primes your brain for learning. 
In the end, it really doesn’t matter what technique you use. If you’re brain isn’t interested and receptive, then you’re just wasting your time.
With this in mind, do yourself a favor and try following these six steps over the next couple of weeks. See what results you get. You might even be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to study smarter not harder. ðŸ™‚