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" Angah Dan Along "

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Thanks a lot and good evening crowd. Tonight I want to share some stories about people who are always there for me when I'm sad or happy.

 Firstly, my parents who always necessarily provide moral support and high spirits to me. They always understood my will, when I'm sad they always be my loyal listeners. Never tired of the whims of my childish as this. 

Do not forget also to my sister's second most closely all my sad story like mad all my grief and express her release. Our people are always fighting, but that is normal in this sibling relationship. Okay wince, wince not okay. In addition, common for siblings relationship.

 I call him within us, because he was the second child in my family. Okay, what am I gonna tell me about him is, he's always there when I need, even if he is busy with his school work, he still treated me and listen to my heart's content even discharge middle'm late. Our age difference did not matter much.

 He was under me je, but I think he is kind of my best friend. She also loves to share her grief with me. our life, we share together. It was somewhat of an elder sister "ALONG" and a younger second "burn".



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