My name is Siti Nur Binti Ismail Amila. I was 19 years old and is a student KOLEJ POLY-TECH MARA KOTA BARU. I was born on the sixteenth July 1998 in a government hospital located in the city of Kuantan. I have four siblings and is the third child in the family. I have started my schooling at Sekolah Kebangsaan Panching and doing the school with outstanding achievements in the Primary School Assessment Test (UPSR).
I have a happy family. I am very grateful to God for my life complete with the presence of people who called my father, mother, brother, and sisters who make up my family. The father and mother are the people who I love and respect the most in my life. Although sometimes I failed to obey them and make mistakes, they still loved me and encouraged me and always expect the best for me.
I also have a brother, a sister and a brother. My brother is 23 years old, my sisters is 25 years old and my younger brother aged 10 years old. We have been taught well by our parents. If we made a mistake, my father would advise us in a good way and never punish us. Me and my siblings to speak as individuals who have a stubborn or obstinate attitude. However, if viewed from a positive perspective, we can be considered as an individual who has a firm stand.
In addition, I was a high-confidence. I am sure that I will do my best in whatever task done if implemented in the right way and accompanied by hard work. Moreover, prayer also a factor in the success of a person. Thus, every effort is taken to be punctuated with prayer and commitment are high.
I love doing my tasks systematically. Therefore, I will go through my daily activities according to the daily schedule that I have prepared. It also really helps me manage time wisely because I always knew what I needed to do at certain times. Therefore, I can avoid wasting time. Furthermore, good time management is very important to me that the responsibilities of being a student.
In my spare time, I love to read books. Among the reading material of choice for me is a novel, magazines, and books of fiction. I love reading because I get satisfaction when reading. In addition, I very much like to surf the internet and read to gather information on a professional career that might operate in the future. I would like to know more about a career before enrolling so I will make a decision according to my interests.
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