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     How to stay healthy ? have many tips for care your body to stay healthy. For example to stay healthy we must eat food the good for your body and less the sweet of food. If you eat the good food your body can stay healthy. Then, drink eight more glass of water everyday for our body stay healthy. Don't take many food everytime because it's not good for your body. Eat the food had a vitamin such as vegetables, fruits and others. If you eat a bad foods it's can'thelp you to care our body to stay healthy. 
    Then, finding ways to reduce stress is another tips can help you stay healthy. there are many ways to bust stress. such as you can going holiday for release your tension. Especially for the people work they stress with our work. Holiday are the good thing can make your body stay healthy. Furthemore, for men who are smoke daily it's very not healthy because smoking can kill our body. Such as inside body organ can broke your body. After that drink many alcohol can make your body not good. 
    After that, protect your body from the sun because the sun its not good for your body and it's can make your body not health. But the sun have a good time at morning because it's can make your body have vitamin. Then, doing exersice regularly, its can maintain a healthy weight. With exersice your body can sweat time you exersice. it,s can make your body stay healthy.
  If you follow the tips it can improving your health and lowering your risk of many cancers as well as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and others. High blood sugar is linked to the development of diabetes, obesity, heart disease. Lastly, to stay healthy you should follow the tips above. Thankyou . 


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