We just forgot to share our daily routine by 2017 that we
began to take an egg as breakfast. Why an eggs? yes! because eggs are very tasty.
The reader must wonder why are an egg? At first yes, our reaction is the same as
well as you guys, we are also so when the first try. And now, when eating, it
feels so good to eat boiled eggs or half boiled eggs. Some people or typical Malaysia said why must the egg ?? "Diet eh?" not really. If you guys
wanna know, there’s a lot of advantage eggs for breakfast. But why do some
people look at the negative side when eggs are taken? This however does not mean
they have a shallow understanding. Choice in our hands, because not everyone
has the same opinion. Here we would like to share a little bit about it.
Taking advantages Eggs For Breakfast On Every Morning
Firstly, it Can Boost Immune System Body with take one egg during breakfast we were able to increase
endurance and prevent us from hunger. High protein content, vitamins and
nutrients, making it very suitable as egg breakfast menu us.
Second, it makes us more excited. The full content of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B and also Onida in eggs can provide encouragement to continue with our daily activities and all nutrients in an egg also can reduce fatigue in our body.
Third, it can prevent cancer. The study states that, in the egg there is a nutrient called
choline and we need to know, choline is one of the nutrients that are very
good to fight the growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer. Some studies have also found that the yolk is very good to
prevent and fight the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Fourth, it can helps brain development and memory. Choline is a nutrient found in eggs also stimulate
brain development and brain function. It has also been linked to improve memory
and recall and alertness.
Lastly, is supports weight control because eggs are perfect for people who want to keep the weight of
the almond diet or exercise program. Start with an egg breakfast every morning
because as we know it can suppress hunger. Scientists from Saint Louis
University, said eating eggs in the morning will make you feel full and eat
less throughout the day.
Well, that's a benefit or advantage to take an egg for
breakfast every morning. Interesting isn’t? Hehe. For the first try, you can
also put a little pepper or thousand island. We've tried and we want to spread the
good thing for the public. Furthermore, as a college student is encouraged to
practice because in the meantime it can save money, lower cost, and those who
want to diet so it is suitable for practice. Thank you.